Monday, April 26, 2010

TV Spots that Rock my World

I love seeing guys act in the stereotypical female role. Two similar types of excitement over two very separate things. I enjoy the uncovering of a human truth that often occurs between men and women.

Who can't resist a hilarious talking baby? Especially when it reinforces the brand and its best attribute: E-trade is so easy, even a baby can do it.

Milky Way
Advertising Agency: BBDO NY, USA
Chief Creative Officer: David Lubars
Executive Creative Director: Greg Hahn
Creative Directors: Scott Kaplan, Tom Kraemer
ACD/Copywriter: Mike Sweeney
ACD/Art Director: Molly Sheehan
Agency Producer: Theresa Ward
Director: Simon Cole
Production Company: HSI
Editorial Company: Cosmo Street
Editor: Lawrence Young
Visual Effects: a52
VFX Supervisor: Andy McKenna
Sound Design: Soundlounge
Sound Designer: Tom Jucarone
Color Correction: CO3
The excitement is all built up, just to see first the reactions of the audience and then the perfect, exaggerated scene. Taking a very usual and seemingly everyday event and turning it into something spectacular.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Best Ads

Name of Ad: Event Case Study Print Campaign
Client: Hallmark
Target Audience: People looking for all types of cards for all types of events
Single Most Important Point: Hallmark has cards for all types of people to help them leave a good impression

Name of Ad: Outdoor Guerilla Copy Campaign
Client: Burt's Bees' Lip Balm
Target Audience: People that care about their lip health
Single Most Important Point: Burt's Bees gets you and your lips, we know how to keep them healthy and looking good

Name of Ad: Running of the Bulls One-off Print Ad
Client: Garmin GPS
Target Audience: People that need to get places safely and fast
Single Most Important Point: Garmin will navigate you out of the toughest situations, including the ones your life depends on
Art direction intent: Ad shows a guy in Spain participating in the running of the bulls event faced with numerous charging bulls he must maneuver and get away from. He is holding Garmin GPS in order to do this.

Name of Ad: Fetish One-off Print Ad
Client: Gold Bond Foot Powder
Target Audience: People with smelly/itchy feet
Single Most Important Point: Gold Bond gets the job done and has got a great sense of humor

Name of Ad: Hometown Travel & Tourism One-off Print Ad
Client: Fayetteville, NY
Target Audience: People looking for a place to get away
Single Most Important Point: Old people have kept Fayetteville very unchanged and traditional, but we appreciate it because it's a nice place to get away and enjoy nature, family, etc.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Radio Spot Example

Toyota Prius - "Liger"
:60 second radio
Creatives: Nicholas Bong, Peter Megler
I enjoy this radio spot. I think it might work better as a 30 second one, however it takes a Liger and juxtaposes it to the Toyota Prius. The calmer tone and more sophisticated voice used is a nice break from the loud and often rambunctious radio spots I have often experienced. Where the second voice breaks the rhythmic first voice, it gives the consumer some comedic relief; something they can go and tell their friends about and imitate. However, again, my favorite part is using the facts of the liger in a metaphoircal sense to compare to the facts of the prius. What an interesting concept.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Travel & Tourism Themed Ads
The humorous element strikes the consumer in this particular ad. Simply the fact that a human male is playing the role of the bear caught off-guard provides a metaphor for how the bear actually does feel, while supplying the solution to having a safe trip. Many people like the associated risk, but need to know Northern BC has their back.,0.jpg
I think this captures the Australian spirit and is part of an excellent campaign. Unfortunately, it can have negative consequences for certain countries in which the use of the words "bloody hell" would be extremely taboo and/or very inappropriate.
This is a form of advertising for Alberta, Canada. As more of a guerilla tactic, I believe the consumer would be extremely wowed by this real, life-sized chairlift that will put them in the mood for some Alberta skiing. It's a great way for them to get a "feel" of the product/service and picture themselves using it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Burt's Bees: Print Ads

Bees fly from flower to flower collecting pollen, assisting them in helping to give you healthy lips.

Burt's Bees contains honey, which is actually bee spit. A provocative way of seeing its benefits!

Keurig: Print Ads (Sketches)

Most ordinary coffee makers require a pot in which the coffee filters into. Keurig has amazing technological advancements that make your life easier. The filter is already in the cup and there is no pot needed. It's a different type of thinking...for the new breed of coffee enthusiasts.

Keurig coffee maker provides you with quite the large assortment of hot beverages to choose from. It's also gourmet; as if you have an entire Italian coffee bar in such a small package. Unfortunately, the handsome or beautiful (whatever your preference!) barista is sold separately.